50 best popularizers of science of all time

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Being a great science writer means not only being able to explain complex ideas and theories in simple language: it also includes the ability to write in such a way that the reader, who is not an expert in this field, would like to study and learn more about the subject. It is quite difficult, but for many years there were people who managed to do this with science and readers. Here is a list of the five dozen of the greatest popularizers of science, whose works are worth reading.

Astronomy, Cosmology and Astrophysics


Thanks to the work of the authors in these three areas, readers can explore the farthest corners of our Universe, gain a deeper understanding of our native Solar System, and understand what rules are behind all this.

Karl Sagan

Most likely, this author is known for the most part for his episodes of the program “Cosmos”. However, he was a prolific writer: more than 600 scientific papers were published for his authorship, and more than 20 different books were written or edited. The work of Sagan was aimed primarily at demonstrating the wonders of the universe to millions of people around the world, and his enthusiasm and intelligence firmly established his figure in modern astronomy.

Stephen Hawking

His "Brief History of Time" became a turning point in the world of popular science texts, demonstrating the theory of cosmology in such a way that almost anyone could understand it. She was a bestseller for a whole year. His genius, work and personality made Hawking an academic celebrity. Take a look here to learn about a dozen interesting facts from the life of this interesting person (or a robot?).

Philip plate

Platt’s books “Bad Astronomy” and “Death from Heaven” are widely popular and readable by the whole world, but he is also known for his participation in the blogosphere, creating both the Bad Atronomy website, which received the award, and the main website of Discover.

George Gamow

Russian theoretical physicist Georgy Gamov spent most of his career studying the Big Bang, the decay of atoms and the formation of stars. He expressed his love for science through his writings and was very successful in winning the Kalinga Award for helping to popularize science. His text "One, Two, Three ... Infinity" remains popular to this day, addressing issues of mathematics, biology, physics and crystallography.

Brian green

The physicist Brian Green is best known for his most popular book on the science of "Elegant Universe", which sets out string theory in a very accessible form. His other popular books, Icarus on the Edge of Time, Space Factory and Hidden Reality are also worthy of attention of those interested in studying physics.

Roger penrose

Mathematician and physicist Penrose is famous for turning the world of physics into his ideas. He won numerous awards for his research and continues to promote new ideas, such as those expressed in his latest work, "The Cycles of Time: an Extremely New Look at the Universe."

Physics and Mathematics

Альберт Эйнштейн

These authors will help you learn more about the properties of matter, motion, and particles that form the universe as we know it.

Richard Feynman

The Nobel laureate, physicist Richard Feynman was at one time one of the most famous scientists in the world, and still remains widely known in the circles of those who study quantum mechanics, particle physics and superfluidity. In addition to working in the laboratory, Feynman helped popularize science through his books and lectures, known as "Feynman lectures in physics."

Michio Kaku

There are only a few physicists who diligently carried physics into popular culture like Michio Kaku. His book Physics of the Future and Parallel Worlds, along with others, made him a famous figure and strengthened his role in the history of scientific writing.

Steven Weinberg

This Nobel Prize winner in physics has published a number of books in which it is written about everything - from fundamental cosmology to discoveries in the field of elementary particles. Research by this author greatly popularized the area, and the work is worth reading.

Albert Einstein

It is impossible to overestimate this person. Known all over the world and with a name - synonymous with the word “genius”, this physicist helped many physicists change their way of understanding the nature of space, time, and moving bodies. His publications on relativity are simple enough to understand, since the author uses brilliant examples that help to understand a lot of concepts.

Erwin schrödinger

Known for his work in the field of physics, which brought him the Nobel Prize. Schrödinger worked on everything he could reach: from quantum mechanics to biology. His most popular works are “What is life?” And “Interpretations of quantum mechanics”.

Ian stewart

The famous popularizer of mathematics. Ian Stewart has won many awards for his books, which brought mathematics and science in general to a huge audience. Science fiction fans love his Planet Science series, and mathematics fans read his Nature Numbers.

Stephen Strogatz

The works of this mathematics cover different areas: sociology, business, epidemiology and others. His work helped bring a lot of hidden concepts to a large audience, it is interesting and sometimes even emotional.

Douglas R. Hofstader

The 1980 book Gödel, Escher, Bach: Eternal Golden Braid brought the Pulitzer Prize to the author. As the son of a Nobel laureate in physics, Hofstader grew up in the scientific world and wrote a number of innovative and well-described books on the subject.

Biological Sciences


These authors help students and science enthusiasts learn how biological organisms are formed, how they grow and change over time.

Edward O. Wilson

American biologist Edward Osborne Wilson, better known as EO Wilson, received the 1991 Pulitzer Prize for his book On Human Nature, in which he postulates that human consciousness depends on social factors and the environment more than on genetics. Wilson not only studied people's lives, readers can find interesting works about the life of ants and other social insects.

Sir D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson

This pioneer of mathematical biology is well known as the author of the book “On Growth and Form” in 1917, in which he described well the development of living and inanimate matter. Peter Midevan called it "the best literary work in all the annals of science, which was written in English."

David Kwommen

In addition to working for National Geographic, Harper's, and The New York Times magazines, Kwommen is also a professional science and nature writer. Just look at his books “God’s Monster: The Cannibal Predator in Jungle History” and “Mind and Perseverance of Mr. Darwin: Intimate Portrait of Charles Darwin and the Formation of His Theory of Evolution”, if you find, of course.

Paul de Cruy

And although today it can be called obsolete, the work of Croix under the name “Hunters for Microbes” created a sensation in 1926. Any student interested in better understanding of microbiology should add this work to the reading list.

Jonathan Weiner

This popular writer won all possible awards - from Pulitzer to the Circle of critics of the national book Prize and the Los Angeles Times Book Prize for his writings. Touching on topics such as disease, evolution and aging, Weiner immersed himself extremely deeply in biology and brought it to people.

Evolution and Genetics


Here are collected the biggest and bright minds of evolutionary science and genetics, who shared their thoughts and research with a wide audience.

Stephen Jay Gould

If you are at all interested in evolutionary science in general, you must have heard about this person. A paleontologist and professor at Harvard, Gould was also a gifted writer who created books and essays about evolution and natural history that remain popular to this day.

Richard Dawkins

While he is accused of shameless attacks on religion, Dawkins' works on evolution and genetics are a must-read for every student who is about to make a career in these areas. His books, The Selfish Gene and The Extended Phenotype, stirred the scientific community thirty years ago and are still very significant in evolutionary biology.

Matt Ridley

Ridley is the author of several works in the popular science field, including such as “Genome: species autobiography in 23 chapters” and “Rational optimist: how success evolves,” and discusses various topics, starting with the genetic code and ending with our play.

James D. Watson

Few discoveries have changed our world in the same way as solving the mystery of our own DNA, which was carried out by the scientist James D. Watson with his partner Francis Crick. His most famous book, The Double Helix, demonstrates the properties of DNA in much the same way that a soap opera played on television is people's lives.

Lewis Thomas

Physicist and etymologist Thomas deserved a lot of awards throughout his life for his work. His book Cell Life is a brilliantly written collection of essays about the interconnectedness of life on Earth.

Roger levin

Together with Richard Leakey, Roger Levin, an anthropologist and scientist, by 1980 wrote three books. He worked as a freelance writer for three decades, creating works that are both informative and written in accessible language.

Richard Lewontin

Students who are working on a degree in biology would have missed a lot without reading the books written by this influential scientist. He was a pioneer in the fields of molecular biology, evolutionary theory, and population genetics.

Karl Zimmer

Outstanding writer of articles and books about science. Zimmer is one of the most popular popularizers of science (sorry for the tautology) for today. He writes almost everything about biology, starting with the nature of viruses and ending with the theory of evolution.

Zoology and naturalism


Those who like to read about the world of nature will definitely appreciate these popularizers of science. They put at the forefront of their careers the promotion and understanding of nature.

David attenborough

If you do not know this famous leader and naturalist, you should be familiar with his voice, just like Nikolai Drozdov. In addition, Attenborough is a talented writer who has written many books and scripts about birds, mammals and our planet.

Frans de waal

De Waal is known for his studies of great apes, specifically our close relative, the bonobos, although there were also chimpanzees among his studies. If you want to know more about the social life of primates or bonobos, read the book Bonobo: The Forgotten Monkey or Primates and Philosophy: How Morality Developed.

Jane goodall

Perhaps this is the most famous primatologist in the world. Goodall's love for chimpanzees and her desire to convince people to understand and preserve these animals have played a huge role in our world. Throughout her career, she has been writing books for adults and children, trying to arouse compassion for the world of chimpanzees in the heads of earthmen.

Dian fossi

Dian Fossey’s determination to save gorillas from the mountains of Africa cost her her life, but she left by publishing the great book Gorillas in the Fog, which helped shed light on the behavior, culture and values ​​of the world of these magnificent animals.

Konrad Lorenz

Nobel laureate, zoologist Konrad Lorenz has achieved great success in his studies in the field of ethology. He was also a significant writer who published many books in which he described in detail about his zoological adventures.

Rachel carson

The book "Silent Spring" was perhaps one of the most important books in science of the 20th century, changing our understanding of interaction with the environment and showing that even the simplest chemicals can affect complex ecosystems. Carson wrote throughout her life, leaving behind a rich collection of scientific essays and publications that are recommended for reading to any student.

The human body

Тело человека

With these wonderful works, you can explore the secrets of the human body and mind.

Peter Medawar

British biologist Peter Medavar made an outstanding career, won the Nobel Prize in 1960 and helped make discoveries in medicine that changed the world forever. He is also considered one of the most brilliant science writers of all time. The author was known for his wit and ability to write for both professionals and the general public. Books Medavara should stand on the shelf next to the scientific classics.

Stephen Pinker

Cognitive scientist Stephen Pinker helped re-understand the human mind, from evolution to language use. His popular books, including Words and Rules and How the Mind Works, will be a great addition to any scientific collection.

Oliver Sachs

The doctor and best-selling author Oliver Sachs has long been one of the most famous popularizers of science among writers. And for good reason. His books help explain many neurological disorders in a cunning and interesting way, so much so that people who are practically unfamiliar with medicine remain enthusiastic.

Alfred Kinsey

The most famous work of Kinsey was published in two books called the Kinsey Report. They told what happens to the sexual behavior of a person behind a closed door. At the time of writing, they have become very, very colorful, and they remain so to this day. It will be necessary for many who want to make a career as a biologist, psychologist or in the field of reproductive sciences.

Other areas


Here are collected writers who looked at a wide variety of topics, starting with areas like evolution and ending with technology and paleontology.

Simon Singh

The author, journalist and television producer Simon Singh focused on bringing science and mathematics to the masses by the roads of his work. His popular scientific books often present complex topics in a very accessible form, giving simple mortals access to the riddles of the Fermat theorem, cryptography, and even science (or its absence) of alternative medicine.

Bill bryson

After selling more than six million books in England alone, Bryson became a writer who wants to convey to the general public a wide range of scientific disciplines. Often, in a funny and witty manner, his books (for example, A Brief History of Almost Everything) brought him several awards in the field of scientific literature.

James Lovelock

Lochlok's most famous work, Gaia, brought on the author an influx of criticism for excessive mystery. Nevertheless, the book presents the idea that our planet is a single self-regulating organism that cannot be ignored, and that the centuries of pollution on one side of the world will very quickly pass to the other side.

Jared diamond

Diamond's “Guns, Microbes, and Steel” became a bestseller, describing in detail what factors come into play when one community dominates another. The writer's works are based on various spheres of science, from geography to biology, which automatically makes them interesting for everyone who enjoys science.

Roy Chapman Andrews

A researcher, an adventurer and a true Indiana Jones, Andrews lived an incredibly interesting life. At the beginning of the 20th century, he made several large palaeontological finds in the Gobi Desert, opening the first fossilized dinosaur eggs (see here if they can be reanimated). Andrews described in detail many of his adventures in his books, including The Riddle in the Desert and This Is the Craft of Research.

James glake

The works of Gleick brought their creator nomination for the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award and were readable by the whole world. Most of Gleick’s books are about how science and technology influence culture, although there are other biographies and monographs.

Timothy Ferris

Do not confuse with other Timothy Ferriss (with two “c”). Scientific writer Tim Ferris wrote a number of books that were very popular, and devoted them to physics and cosmology. His best works are the Science of Freedom and the Aging of the Milky Way.

At all times


There is nothing better than the classics. If you prefer classics, well, your choice is worthy of respect. We recommend the following authors.

Charles Darwin

If you can wade through Darwin’s dry Victorian prose, the content of Darwin’s greatest books, The Beagle's Journey and The Origin of Species, will reward you. Despite the fact that Darwin’s conjectures in the textbooks look simple and straightforward, in fact they turn out to be much deeper and even more useful.

Isaac Newton

It is unlikely that anyone will argue that Newton was one of the greatest thinkers who ever lived on Earth, and his works like Principia Mathematica helped to bring about a lot of upheavals in science, in people's thinking and in the world in general. Yes, many of Newton's texts will seem obsolete to the modern reader, but where to look for the truth, if not in the ancient one?

Galileo Galilei

In the past, the church was very upset, to put it mildly, if someone conducted scientific research in a manner that is common with the church. Работа Галилея и его хитроумный диалог о двух мирах привел его в теплые объятия инквизиции — и его труд стал красноречивым свидетельством того, что происходит с теми, кто борется за истину. Но обошлось.

Николай Коперник

Коперник писал на протяжении всей жизни, однако самый лучший труд вышел только тогда, когда он был на смертном одре — «О вращении небесных сфер». Конечно, этот труд очень сложно читать, но для всех, кто любит математику, это будет невероятно интересным путешествием в мир грандиозных открытий человека с ограниченными техническими средствами.


Многие знают Аристотеля за его труды по философии, однако он пробовал себя и в науках: в физике, в биологии и зоологии. Его взгляды были хорошо восприняты в Средние века и в период Ренессанса, ну а сегодня мы знаем наверняка, что многие из его идей (но не все) оказались неверными. Ни одна история научной мысли не осталась без влияния Аристотеля.

Примо Леви

Блестящий химик Леви был близок к тому, чтобы лишиться жизни после года, проведенного в Освенциме во время Второй мировой войны. Его книга «Периодическая таблица» была названа лучшей научной книгой каждым членом Королевского института Великобритании.

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