Died the last male in the world of the northern white rhinoceros

The last male of the species northern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum cottoni) died in Kenya on March 19. This species was once widely distributed throughout the African continent, but by the middle of the 20th century the population numbered just over 2,000 animals. In 2006, poachers killed the last white northern rhinos living in the wild. By 2015, only three individuals remained alive in the Kenyan reserve: one male and two females. In view of the fact that the male suffered from a severe age-related degenerative disease, the reserve staff decided to put him to sleep.

A rhinoceros named Sudan was 45 years old, that is quite respectable age for this species of animals (in the wild rare animals survived to 40 years). As a result of a degenerative disease, the muscles of the animal atrophied, and the bones began to crumble. In recent days, the state of Sudan has deteriorated sharply: a rhinoceros could not even rise to his feet and suffered greatly. The doctors of the reserve reluctantly decided to put the animal to sleep. But before they introduced a lethal injection, they collected the genetic material of the animal.

To date, this species can already be officially declared extinct, since the remaining females Najin (the daughter of Sudan) and Fatu (his granddaughter) can not continue their race. However, it is possible that the species will be saved by artificial insemination and transplantation of fertilized eggs into the bodies of females of the southern white rhinoceros. Poachers, thanks to which the species was on the verge of extinction, killed animals for their horns, considered healing in many African cultures and highly valued in the black market.

The article is based on materials https://hi-news.ru/eto-interesno/umer-poslednij-v-mire-samec-severnogo-belogo-nosoroga.html.
