Ford and Alibaba have put into operation the automaton, which sells cars

Chinese trading giant Alibaba and automobile concern Ford have begun development of the automatic machine trading in cars, in 2016. As early as December 2017, the first photos and videos of this unusual device appeared on the web, comparable to a multi-storey residential building. Finally, the first such automatic machine called Super Test-Drive Center began its work, and the first lucky ones have already bought themselves a brand new car with its help.

To buy a car with this machine is very simple: it can be done both with a special built-in terminal, and with an official mobile application that can be downloaded for free from the Web. The car can not only be purchased, but also tested during a three-day test drive. In the event that the car will have a person to taste, it can be redeemed. If, for some reason, he does not arrange a potential buyer, the car returns to the vending machine.

This is not the first automaton in history selling cars. The concepts of such devices appeared at the beginning of the 20th century, at the dawn of the advent of the automobile industry. In fact, the first vending machines offering to buy a car, were launched by Carvana in the US. Similar automata also work on the territory of Singapore (below you can see how one of these machines works). Will the popularity of the new Ford automaton among Chinese residents - time will tell. So far, it functions in a test mode, and representatives of Alibaba and Ford carefully follow the preferences of the Celestial inhabitants in terms of car selection.

The article is based on materials
