Google closes the URL shortening service

Reducing URLs, especially with CNC in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet, was very useful and often to the point. Yes, it was used by phishers and scammers, but it is sometimes necessary to shorten a link of several dozen words or an indigestible set of symbols. Google launched its shortcut in 2009 and added an API for third-party use, the ability to create QR codes and send the link directly to applications on iOS and Android. Even Keanu Reeves had an abbreviation for URLs, named in his honor ( Alas, but Google is replacing its own service with Firebase Dynamic Links (FDL) on April 13th. New smart URLs will allow you to send people to the address to any place in the applications for the web and mobile platforms.

After April 13, you will no longer be able to create new short URLs with, but existing users will be able to manage them through the console during the next year. All links will work, but to the access console itself will not be after March 30, 2019. Now Google offers to start using FDL or use other shortcut services like Bitly and

If you're interested, read more about Firebase Dynamic Links can be found on Google services . But it's unlikely you will be interested if you are not a developer.

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