Learn the Klingon language from Star Trek now anyone can

If you are an admirer of science fiction and at least a glimpse of the famous television series Star Trek, you probably know about the existence of a fictional Klingon language. This language was so popular to the audience that it gradually left the television screens and grew to the level of the language used on our planet. Even the "Klingon Language Institute" was established, which translates into Klingon works of classical literature and in every possible way supports a fictional culture of a fictional race. Now anyone can learn this language, thanks to free Internet courses, which we want to tell you today.

The Klingon language for the TV series "Star Trek" was created by the linguist Mark Okrand, commissioned by the Paramount studios. Language has a detailed grammar, syntax and a fairly large vocabulary. The first sounds and phrases of the Klingon language, in turn, was invented by actor James Duhan, who played the role of Scotty in the series and several feature films. The creators of the television series liked the sound so much that they asked Mark Okrand to create an artificial language for their science fiction show. Okrand used Duhan's sketches and combined them with elements of the languages ​​of the Indians of North America, as well as with fragments of Sanskrit.

Service Duolingo is a free platform for learning languages, as well as for crowdsourcing transfers. For example, Russian-speaking users using Duolingo can easily learn English, German, French and Spanish in an easy way. Special independent studies have proved that 34 hours of classes on the Duolingo site are equivalent to a semester course at an American university with a duration of 130 hours. Users of the platform have long asked its creators to add a course on studying the Klingon language. Well, they asked - get and sign! From now on, the opportunity for free study of Klingon appeared on the site.

To create a training course Klingon to work were attracted to volunteers, addicted to the television series Star Trek. After they have sketched a certain foundation, experts in the field of language studies and language courses, as well as doctors of linguistics and technical staff of the Duolingo platform joined the work. To test the same courses, again on a voluntary basis, helped thousands of registered users. Whether a joke, after all at service Duolingo for today more than 200 000 000 subscribers. To date, the course is presented exclusively in English, but in the future this may change. Go to the Klingon study you can by this link .

The article is based on materials https://hi-news.ru/entertainment/vyuchit-klingonskij-yazyk-iz-star-trek-teper-mozhet-lyuboj-zhelayushhij.html.
