Steve Wozniak will visit Moscow and read an open lecture at Moscow State University

The famous co-founder of Apple, inventor, programmer, technologist and simply good-natured Stephen "Woz" Wozniak plans to visit the capital of Russia in early October. Woz is known as a man who in the mid-1970s almost single-handedly designed Apple I and Apple II computers that revolutionized and determined the further development of the computer industry. Steve Wozniak will come to the All-Russian Science Festival NAUKA 0+, and during the event he will give an open lecture during which he will discuss with the visitors the most diverse topics from artificial intelligence to the professions of the future.

The festival NAUKA 0+ will be held from 6 to 8 October simultaneously in eighty regions of Russia. This is one of the most ambitious social projects in the field of science popularization, which is conducted with the direct support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Moscow city government and the leadership of the Moscow State University. Steve Wozniak's lecture will be held in the open dialogue format on October 7 from 12:00 to 13:30 in the hall of the Fundamental Library of the Moscow State University. The entrance to the lecture is completely free, so all the comers will be able to communicate with the famous engineer.

The moderator of the lecture will be the research fellow at Moscow State University and the general director of Postgres Professional Oleg Bartunov. Particular attention in the lecture will be given to the issues of the development of artificial intelligence, machine learning and how these technologies will change our lives in the coming decades. Other current trends in IT will also be discussed.

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