# video | Russian hoverbike first experienced in public

We have repeatedly told you about the Russian company HoverSurf, which is engaged in designing and assembling hoverbikes or flying motorcycles. In February, the video posted a video of one of the test flights of their new hover called HoverBike S3, where S stands for Scorpion. Today, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the new video shot at the Moscow Raceway circuit near Moscow, where a flying motorcycle was first experienced in front of the general public.

According to a TASS report, the hoverbike pilot climbed over the surface of the track to a height of about one meter and flew a distance of about one kilometer. The tests were conducted during the international competitions in highway and ring motorcycle races. Spectators from the spectacle came to full delight, because nothing like this on the circuit was never demonstrated. The quadrocopter and motorcycle hybrid operates on four powerful electric motors, and is controlled by two convenient joysticks or remotely from the console.

Before the commencement of the flight, the pilot must necessarily put on his hand a check similar to that used in jet skis so that in the event of an emergency, the system can be de-energized. According to the technical characteristics of the HoverBike S3, its weight is 150 kilograms, 50 kilograms of which is a battery. The altitude of the flight for today is limited to five meters, and the maximum speed is 70 kilometers per hour. One charge of the battery lasts for 30 minutes of flight, and the time of its full recharge is four hours. Presumably, the cost of a hoverbike will be from 50 to 80 thousand dollars.

The article is based on materials https://hi-news.ru/technology/video-rossijskij-xoverbajk-vpervye-ispytali-na-publike.html.
