Adobe plans to integrate a voice assistant into its applications

The popularity of Siri, Cortana and other voice assistants do not give rest to many software vendors. Indeed, it is much easier to name the necessary team out loud than to look for it in intricate multilevel menus. This is especially true when it comes to complex professional software like Adobe Photoshop or Adobe After Effects. Adobe takes its timid first steps in this direction and even demonstrated to us a tiny demo of what it sees as a voice assistant in its future applications.

In the video, the user uses his tablet and uses a voice assistant to crop the image in the required proportions, use the Undo command, and then publish the photo in social networks. It would seem, eka unprecedented, think, business. But if Adobe experts seriously embark on the promotion of their ideas, this can really make managing complex applications at times more accessible to the masses. An important role is played by the fact that a person uses spoken language. It does not name the function of the application as it appears in the drop-down menu list, but describes what the application wants to accomplish in the end. And the application understands it well.

So far, of course, we are talking only about mobile applications. But it is possible that this functionality will sooner or later reach the company's desktop software. It is likely that the first attempts to integrate voice control into its Adobe software will already in the current year, 2017.

The article is based on materials
