Microbes lived in "Martian" conditions for three weeks
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Microbes can live in a variety of conditions, even in those that at first glance are not very suitable for this. Recently, astrobiologists from a branch of the University of Arkansas, located in the American city of Fayettevil, completed the experiment, during which they experimentally proved that some microorganisms could well have lived on Mars.
"Microorganisms, called methanogens, do without oxygen and do not need photosynthesis, so, in theory, they could adapt to the difficult conditions of the Red Planet," writes Engadget with reference to the results of the research.
Methanogens produce methane, methane is also found on Mars, so there is a possibility that its presence is also the work of microorganisms. Scientists have decided that the ultraviolet radiation of Mars will kill methanogens, but under the surface of the planet they probably something could have happened. In order to check everything, they began an experiment in which grown microbes were placed in conditions that were as close as possible to Martian ones. The weak died within three days, the most persistent managed to survive in the "Martian" test tubes for up to three weeks.
The experiments were conducted for a year, and now, when the results of the research became known, a new hope arose that life on Mars still exists, albeit small. But even if not, it would be interesting to send it there with a new Martian probe.
The article is based on materials https://hi-news.ru/eto-interesno/mikroby-prozhili-v-marsianskix-usloviyax-tri-nedeli.html.
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