# video of the day | The process of preparing fossils before exhibiting them in the museum

Discovered deep in the land remnants of ancient living organisms or traces of their life activity scientists call fossils, or fossils. Surely you saw in those or other museums publicly displayed bones or even whole skeletons of creatures that millions of years ago inhabited our planet. But before getting to the exhibition stands, all these exhibits go a long way from getting a specialist out of the ground to the table, which cleans them and brings them to the proper view. We suggest you watch a small video about how this process looks from the outside.

The video was filmed and mounted by an employee of the Museum of Natural History, located in the US state of Utah. Nathan Ong has been engaged for many years in extracting the remains of ancient beings from stone and amber, after which he thoroughly cleanses and restores them. This process sometimes takes hours and even whole days, but Nathan is a very patient person and his complex tasks are not frightened. Among the tools you have to work with a specialist, you can notice all kinds of chisels, scalpels, brushes, a traditional toothbrush and even a drill. The spectacle, of course, fascinating.

The article is based on materials https://hi-news.ru/eto-interesno/video-dnya-process-podgotovki-okamenelostej-pered-ix-vystavleniem-v-muzee.html.
