Virtual reality allowed parents to get acquainted with the yet unborn daughter

Virtual reality is not necessarily video games and social services, which Facebook recently introduced to us. This technology is able to enter into many spheres of human life, both professionally and in a more domestic way. Take here, at least, young moms and dads, who probably will be interested in looking at their still unborn child through a VR-headset. And this is not the same as seeing the baby on the screen of the apparatus for ultrasound examinations. After all, you can fully examine the child literally from all sides.

A couple of young parents from Finland set the goal make a full 3D scan of your future child, then transfer the resulting model to the virtual reality so that you can not just study it in detail, but also show it in all its glory to grandparents. Agree, this is much more interesting than showing your relatives black and white blurry ultrasound images, looking at which it is quite difficult to understand that before you is a child.

With the support of friends working in the same medical center, the parents managed to use GE's ultrasound system to scan the child. Parents tried to find a description of such cases on the Web, but the search was not successful. Most likely, this is the first case of transferring the image of an unborn child into virtual reality. That is why the young father contacted the manufacturer of the ultrasound machine to get advice on converting the 3D model into a suitable format for VR. GE specialists willingly shared their experience and sent detailed instructions.

The scanning data was processed by professional software osiriX, and then brought to the mind inside an art 3D editor (which one the authors of the article do not specify). The resulting 3D model was transferred to the Unity development environment, which is well adapted to all modern VR-devices. As soon as the parents first put on the VR-glasses, they literally took a breath from the surging feelings. It's one thing to see a child on the screen, and quite another to see him literally in front of his face. Even realizing that this is just a 3D model, then the feelings of the parents were indescribable.

80-year-old grandmother, who was also offered to get acquainted with her future granddaughter, also was delighted with the first VR experience in her life. Of course, it is unlikely that such technology will be streamed, but this is another example of the fact that virtual reality in the future can step far beyond the limits of exclusively entertainment. I think that many young parents would readily agree to see their child before his birth with the help of such an approach. What do you think?

The article is based on materials
