Artificial Intelligence Helps London Brewers


Just imagine: "Ail bi-back!" - the robot tells you and leaves for the cellar to pour you another cup of dark cold beer, cooked according to your own recipe! Beauty. Before that, we are still very far away, about as walking to Tatooine, but there are already shifts, and while you are reading this post, somewhere in London the IntelligentX brewery is using artificial intelligence for brewing.

The guys launched a special line, which includes four varieties of beer: Amber AI, Black AI, Golden AI and Pale AI. After you have tried everything, you can express your opinion to a special bot via Facebook, to note what you liked and what is not. After that, the received data is processed by a special algorithm (ABI) (Automated Intelligence Brewing), and then gives the results to the master brewer, who already charges the next batch.

The program does not just analyze the data, it learns from its own experience and sometimes even almost independently makes certain decisions. If artificial intelligence continues to study the brewing business and will be good at it, the owners of the IntelligentX brewery expect to win at the beer competition and take the first prize for the best drinks and unusual recipes.

Generally, intelligentX is not just a brewery, it includes the creative agency 10x and the startup of machine learning Intelligent Layer, which developed the same program that helps with recipes and collection of reviews. The guys report that their beer will be available online in the coming weeks.

The article is based on materials
