Scientists have created a cyberscat from rat cells


The invention of American scientists is made from the cells of rat hearts and can swim, and even cyberskat can be controlled with the help of rays of light. The man-made waterfowl is made of rubber, boasts a golden skeleton, and the cardiomyocytes of genetically modified rats help the "fish" move.


A common stingray or fish can move the fins up and down, but the hands created by scientists from the laboratory at Harvard University "creatures" structure is many times simpler, so for the time being its fins can only go down. The speed of navigation and the direction in which the biobased robotic arc moves are determined by where the light beam hits, and by the intensity of the light pulses that affect the body. The speed of movement of the newly-made robot is about 9 meters per hour - quite not bad for a 16-mm malyavka, weighing only 10 grams.

Kevin Keith Parker, one of the creators of the robotic rock, believes that he created a biological life form. Yes, she can not breed, but she lives. Little. Keith and colleagues continue their research, hoping in the future to create real controlled bio-robots from living tissue.

The article is based on materials
