# video | How the droid BB-8 was created for "Star Wars: Awakening Force"

Как создавался дроид BB-8 для «Звёздные войны: Пробуждение силы»

No matter how we relate to the reincarnation of the cult fantasy saga "Star Wars" after the rights to it passed into the hands of the studio Disney, the new films of this franchise will now appear regularly. Already not far off the premiere of Rogue One, then the eighth episode of the main series, and then we are waiting for the story of the adventures of the young smuggler Khan Solo, whose role will be performed by actor Alden Eirenrike. But today we would like to share with you a very interesting record of the speeches of people who created an amusing spherical droid BB-8.

For the creation of the BB-8 are the designers Oliver Styples, Lee Touversi, as well as experts on animatronics Matt Denton and Josh Lee. Within the framework of the Star Wars Celebration Europe conference, they shared unique shots from the set of the seventh episode of the legendary saga, and also told how difficult they had to face in the process of creating droids for this film. If with R2D2 everything is quite clear, then with the BB-8 a lot of problems arose.

Since the idea of ​​creating the BB-8 droid before the creation of its final model for filming has passed just over five months. The developers themselves believe that this is a very short time for such a project. In total, 7 different models of the droid were created. Among the creators called these models Trike, and they were all equipped with additional external wheels for stability and ease of maneuvering in front of the camera. At the stage of postproduction, all external elements were deleted by the masters in computer graphics.

Как создавался дроид BB-8 для «Звёздные войны: Пробуждение силы»

At the same time, the droid was controlled by at least two operators using two different consoles. During the filming it turned out that everything with the BB-8 is not so simple. Especially interfered with the shooting of the ubiquitous sand, always stuffed into the complex mechanism of the droid through the cracks in the hull. The film crew sometimes had to put a cloth under the robot's model, which was then, of course, also wiped by special effects artists.

For the premiere of the very first trailer of the film, a unique model of the BB-8 was created. It was devoid of external wheels and 100% resembled what viewers could see directly in the film. This model was a real challenge for developers, since it was the most difficult of all. When the real BB-8 rolled onto the stage, the audience just gasped. The creators remember that they stood behind the scenes and prayed that his head would not fall off. We suggest you watch this almost hour video and learn a lot about shooting the seventh episode of Star Wars.

The article is based on materials https://hi-news.ru/technology/video-kak-sozdavalsya-droid-bb-8-dlya-zvyozdnye-vojny-probuzhdenie-sily.html.
