The release of Fallout 4 on sale will Nuka-Cola


The closer the release date of Fallout 4, the more products appear, somehow related to this game. Not so long ago on Amazon Beer Fallout Beer appeared, and today we learned about the imminent appearance of Nuka-Cola Quantum on sale.

Employees publisher of the game Bethesda in collaboration with the manufacturer of carbonated drinks Jones Soda created an "irradiated" refreshing drink that will appear on the shelves of American stores on November 10 - exactly to the exit of Fallout 4. Thus, fans of the game will be able to prepare well for "Vault Day".


So, if you previously bought a wristwatch Pip-Boy and branded nuclear bomb, the packaging of four bottles of Nuka-Cola will look good next to them. Just make sure you have enough Rad-Away to eliminate the unpleasant side effects that can occur after you empty a couple of bottles of a "radiation" drink, waiting for the game to finish.

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