# video | Look at how a human face emerges from a series of random objects


When the brain tries to organize a visual world, it looks for similar patterns and shapes - for example, human faces. Sometimes he himself can think of them out of ordinary noise. We notice faces everywhere, from coffee machines to the Martian mountains. Artist Robbie Kraft has used face recognition technology to understand this phenomenon.

First Kraft skipped through the program 125 photos with the tag "FacesInThings" ("Faces in things"). Already after the first 15 photos in the middle of the folded image, a human face appeared:

Then Kraft decided to generate an "average" human face. For this, he missed about 200 selfies through the program. Again, after 15 first photos, the face of the “middle” person became very similar to the image from the first experience:

Further Kraft processed in the same program 2000 images of pure noise - randomly scattered light and dark spots. The algorithm recognized the human face already in 47 images.

“This is a visualization of the face recognition algorithm; the computer sees a human face, peering into the void, ”said Kraft.

According to Forbes

The article is based on materials https://hi-news.ru/research-development/video-posmotrite-kak-chelovecheskoe-lico-voznikaet-iz-serii-sluchajnyx-obektov.html.
