Solar Impulse 2 set a new world record

Самолёт Solar Impulse 2 установил новый мировой рекорд

Less than a week since the first take-off of the Solar Impulse 2 aircraft from the site in Abu Dhabi, about which we recently told you, and he has already set his first world record. Taking off from Oman to India, Solar Impulse 2 made the longest flight ever made on a plane powered by solar energy alone.

The plane took off from the runway in the capital of Oman, Muscat, and landed in Ahmedabad, a city in western India, 13 hours and 20 minutes later. During this time interval, Solar Impulse 2 traveled 1,468 kilometers (912 miles) long, which was a new world record for solar-powered aircraft.

Самолёт Solar Impulse 2 установил новый мировой рекорд

The plane moved at an altitude of 8.5 kilometers above the surface of the Earth. Considering that Solar Impulse 2 began its world tour only on Monday, one can imagine how many more records he will be able to set in the coming months.

Solar Impulse 2 will continue its journey, which should take more than five months. The brave pilots Andre Borschberg and Bertrand Picard are enthusiastic and excited about the upcoming challenges that await them in the future. Well, we wish these brave luck good luck and new records in the course of fulfilling their mission.

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