# video of the day | Chinese builders built a 57-storey skyscraper in 19 days

Китайские строители возвели 57-этажный небоскрёб за 19 дней

The industriousness of Chinese builders has long been the talk of the town. Asians demonstrate the wonders of dexterity on construction sites, erecting impressive structures in record time. At this time, we invite you to watch the video, in which the construction of a 57-storey skyscraper is quickly shown. So that you do not get bored, of course, the video is shown in accelerated playback.

The 57-storey building includes premises with a total area of ​​more than 180,000 square meters. The skyscraper was made of special blocks, as if from the details of the LEGO designer, thanks to which the speed of construction increased several times. On the day of the construction team erected three floors of the building. In total, the construction took funny 19 days. As a result, we have a building with 800 comfortable apartments and office space for 4000 employees.

But even this record is not the limit for Chinese builders. Apparently, they continue to improve their skills and introduce new technologies in the construction. The special modular construction scheme allowed the construction company to save approximately 15,000 cement trucks. But this reduces the amount of cement dust emitted into the atmosphere. As you know, in China now is a very sad ecological situation. Double benefits from such a construction: quickly and environmentally safe.

The article is based on materials https://hi-news.ru/technology/video-dnya-kitajskie-stroiteli-vozveli-57-etazhnyj-neboskryob-za-19-dnej.html.
