How to determine the age of the interlocutor in his appearance

Нано-био-часы - скоро! Во всех человеках мира

No modern technology can completely replace a person's personal communication. However, in our time, such communication is preceded by online correspondence, where often information about the interlocutor does not always correspond to reality. So, if, however, online communication has turned into a personal meeting, it may be a situation where it is difficult to determine the age of the interlocutor with sufficient accuracy, and the direct question about this may be inappropriate. Biologists come to the rescue, who assert that it is possible to determine a person’s age even by his appearance.

For your own safety, it is not recommended to repeat the following methods when you first meet with a stranger.

In principle, by appearance, it is easy to determine how old a person is with an error of plus or minus 5-10 years. However, increasingly, the appearance does not match age. Many modern scientists check the biological age of a person, for example, in the framework of forensic medical examinations on electronic, specially designed scales for this, which calculate all the parameters of the subject and determine how many years they correspond. The results of such surveys can be very pleasant for many.

But for self-assessment of the biological age of individual systems and organs, there are specially designed tests and methods proposed by scientists from the American University of Rutgers, reports

So, the process of determining the age of a person consists of several stages:

1. Age of the skin - it is necessary to pinch the skin of the person being examined with the help of the thumb and index fingers on the back of the palm and try to slightly pull it back and hold it in this position for about five seconds. Next, let go of the skin. If after that the skin returns to its original position within 1-5 seconds, it means that the skin is no more than 45 years old. If this happens in 6-15 seconds, then the biological age of the skin exceeds 60 years. Unfortunately, scientists have not yet developed a method for more detailed gradation.

2. Age of the eyes - you need to bring a book, newspaper or any other text-containing object as close as possible to the subject's eyes and measure at what distance a person can read the text. If the distance is 10 cm from the eyes, then the biological age of the reader is not more than 21 years, if the distance is 14 cm - the age is about 35 years, but at 60 years old the newspaper will have to be moved almost 1 meter.

3. Fast reaction. This test will require a partner and a 40 cm ruler. So, you need to get up, stretching one arm forward, palms turn inwards, fingers straight. The partner should position the ruler at a distance of 1-2 cm parallel to the palm, and place its zero mark at the lower edge of the palm. The partner pronounces the “Catch” command and lowers the ruler. The subject must hold the ruler by clenching his fingers into a fist. If the ruler stopped at around 12 cm, then the age of a person corresponds to about 20 years, but at elevations of 25 cm and below - a person is over 60 years old.

4. Balance. This test is best carried out three times with an interval of five minutes. It is necessary to stand on one leg without shoes with eyes closed, the second leg should be tucked in, hands apart or lowered along the body. If a person has managed to stand like this for 30 seconds, then he is still young, and if he survived only 5 seconds or less, it means that the body begins to age.

Of course, it is not possible to carry out these tests, for example, during the first meeting after an online acquaintance, since a person with a request to do something like this runs the risk of being misunderstood. However, this method is useful if it so happened that a person forgot who he is, where he is and how old he is, for example, the first of January.

Утро - оно такое

It is then that you can safely "test" yourself for aging in the manner described above.

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