The girl raised a new face on her chest

Xu Jianmei

Chinese surgeons shocked the world with another unusual plastic surgery. After a successful transplant of a nose grown on the forehead, they took up other parts of the body. A seventeen-year-old girl was transplanted a face grown on her own chest, reports the online publication Want China Times.

Xu Jianmei from Putian City, Fujian Province, was hit by fire at the age of five. As a result of the fire, her face was severely disfigured. At that time, the girl’s relatives could not pay for the costly treatment.

Eleven years later, Xu had the opportunity to get rid of the terrible scars he received in childhood. Charitable organizations helped the girl to raise money for the operation. Due to the high complexity of plastic surgery, it was decided to use non-standard approaches to treatment.

At first, doctors at Fujian Medical University wanted to get Xu's face back by transplanting skin from a donor. But because of the possible rejection of the skin, it was decided to use its own material.

Burned Fujianese girl

Due to its complexity, the operation to restore the face was performed in several stages. First, the surgeons transplanted tissue from the patient's hip to the area between the shoulder and chest. After skin got accustomed, they sewed it to the face.

The last step is to give the parts of the face the correct form and restore their functions. Do not worry: the pre-operative photos are shown above. According to the doctors, the patient feels well and will soon begin a new life.

The article is based on materials
