Sony has built on the past MWC giant wall of smartphones


Sony Mobile can do nothing interesting and did not announce it at the Mobile World Congress trade fair, which took place in Barcelona, ​​but this does not mean that it couldn’t surprise the people there at all. The company decided to build a real wall of these smartphones as the promotion of its new Xperia ZL smartphone.

Grid 14 x 14 already contains 196 Xperia ZL smartphones. But this is a new world record! The previous record of a similar type was recorded when a wall of 72 cell phones was built. Each of the 196 handsets uses a special synchronization application that allows you to create a general picture on the wall from smartphones. I am even afraid to imagine what kind of power supply is required for all these devices to work constantly throughout the whole exhibition.



An amusing incident occurred with a journalist who was surprised by this wall of smartphones. The man decided to demonstrate that the wall does not consist of many ordinary LCD screens, but of smartphones. On one of the devices, he turned off the sync application and showed that this is actually a mobile phone. But to connect the device to the public network, he apparently did not succeed.


The article is based on materials
