Accounting for computer performance (how to find lost time)


A modern person spends most of his time online: 8 or even 10 hours at work, 2-3 hours at home. And sadly, much of this time is spent completely inefficient. That is why various GTD systems, planners and other time management tools are so popular today.

Service Developers Yaware also clearly aware of this problem and 3 years ago released an online service for recording time at the computer.

The main idea of ​​the service is to get a clear picture of the time spent and use this information to continuously improve efficiency.

“When developing, we proceeded from the fact that time accounting should be maximally automated in order to provide objective information and require a minimum of time for setting up a service, analyzing data. This is exactly how Yaware works. ”Says Ruslan Savchishin, director of Yaware.

What tasks solves automatic time monitoring

The first (the most banal, but relevant) - time control in social networks, Skype and other unproductive resources. Yaware disciplines employees and allows you to clearly distinguish between effective and inefficient time.

The second is control of remote employees. Increasingly, company offices are located in different cities and even countries, and they need a tool for organizing remote work.

Yaware also helps to keep track of time with a flexible schedule and unregulated working day, to identify the most productive employees and lazy people and to solve many more urgent tasks.

The principle of the service

The company creates an account on the site, installs the application on employees' computers and within a few hours can evaluate the monitoring results. All information is transmitted to the server in encrypted form and displayed in your account in the form of convenient graphs and charts.

Programs and sites that are used by employees, Yaware automatically assigns to productive (Crm-system for sales manager) or unproductive (“solitaire” for sales manager). As a result, it is very easy to determine how work time is distributed:

Непродуктивные программы

Yaware collects the following information:

  • start and finish time;
  • the list of programs launched during the working day and the exact time of working with them;
  • time spent on the Internet - a list of visited sites with an exact indication of the time of their viewing;
  • the number and duration of breaks;
  • real time working at the computer.

Начало рабочего дня

Yaware can also take screenshots and webcam images, take into account non-computer time (meetings, calls, meetings). Settings are very flexible and allow you to collect only the information that is relevant to the company.

Paid and Free Yaware Version

Individual users interested in time management can use Yaware absolutely free.

For employee time tracking suitable business version of Yaware. You can test it for free for 14 days. After the end of the trial period, the subscription price is 190 rubles per month for each employee. Read more about subscription cost .

This year the service has been very actively developed and now supports all popular OS: Windows, Linux, Mac OS. Developed a mobile application for Andoid, iPad and iPhone. In the near future - the integration of service with project management systems.


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