Google gives its employees popular gadgets

Android на Рождество

Catholic Christmas is approaching, which means many in the West are preparing to please their loved ones with gifts. This year, Google has prepared a generous gift for its employees. They can choose one of three gadgets from an American company and partners.

This is a Samsung Chromebook , a Nexus 7 tablet and a Motorola Razr M smartphone. Although these devices belong to the budget class (Razr M can be bought for 1 cent under the contract), nevertheless, getting one of them for free is very nice. It is worth noting that on the occasion of Christmas last year, happy employees of Google received a Galaxy Nexus smartphone with a unique back panel. Given this, we can assume that most of the company's employees this year will choose a tablet or laptop.

And how did Russian companies delight or delight their employees? "13th salary" or interesting unique gifts? It will be interesting to learn from your experience, how are things with us?


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