Swedish artist issued painted driver's license

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On the driver's license of Fredrik Saker ( Fredrik Saker ) instead of a photo there is a self-portrait. The 29-year-old Swedish artist proved to himself, and at the same time to the Swedish Transport Agency (Swedish Transport Board), that he has enough skill to paint a picture that could pass for a photo. Of course, the substitution of the image Frederick said after he received a new driver's license.

According to the author, he spent about 100 hours creating his little masterpiece.

“I was a little surprised when they gave me a certificate. I was satisfied with my work, although I still had to be a little nervous. There were doubts about what would happen. ”

In the Office of the artist's actions considered legitimate:

"The image we received was no different from the photo, so it was approved."

In the near future, Frederick plans to repeat the same thing, but with other people. Those who wanted were found quickly.

Source: TheVerge.com

The article is based on materials https://hi-news.ru/eto-interesno/shvedskomu-xudozhniku-vydali-narisovannye-voditelskie-prava.html.
