HP kept her word by presenting Open WebOS 1.0


As promised, HP introduced version 1.0 of its open source operating system, Open WebOS. Initially, it was intended for use on mobile devices (HP TouchPad and HP Palm), but at the presentation of version 1.0, its developers demonstrated that the potential of Open WebOS is much wider and it can even work on stationary computers.

Version 1.0 has received many innovations. For 9 months of work on Open WebOS, more than 70 components have been added to it, opportunities for further OS improvement by third-party developers have been expanded. Open WebOS features demonstrated by one of the OS creators, Steve Winston, on the HP TouchSmart all-in-one PC. According to Winston, porting the OS to the computer took only a few days, indicating the professionalism of the developers and the flexibility of the system.

The range of application of the new product is very wide. Open webOS can be used in information kiosks, hotels, customer service and so on. The developers promise to add new functions to it, and if they add more competent product support and its promotion on the Internet, like the services offered by http://silversite.ru/contacts , then Open WebOS will not be lost among the more “age-related OS

The article is based on materials https://hi-news.ru/eto-interesno/hp-sderzhala-slovo-prezentovav-open-webos-1-0.html.
