Huawei and ZTE are dangerous to US national security

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A commission to the US Congress published a report in which it reports that Chinese companies specializing in the fields of telecommunications and electronic devices do not guarantee that they are completely independent of the Beijing government. For this reason, their work within the United States could jeopardize the national security of Americans.

In order to draw conclusions about Huawei and ZTE, experts throughout the year collected information from various sources, including secret ones. Their findings were disappointing, even hinting at the theft of confidential information. However, it should be noted that no specific facts were provided. In any case, the commission recommended that US government organizations and companies abandon the products of these two Chinese manufacturers. In addition, the US Congress decided to block any merger and acquisition of companies in the United States, in which Huawei and ZTE participate.

In turn, Huawei and ZTE consider the charges unfounded. According to company representatives, they are united by business with the Chinese government, not politics.


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