Updated VKontakte application for iPhone


An updated version of the VKontakte application has appeared on the Web, designed for convenient work with accounts in a popular social network through the use of an iPhone smartphone.

In the updated VK App, a new design project is implemented: menu items and navigation principles are revised. Now, the interface elements of the application are located in accordance with the logic of the site. There was a pop-up main menu on the left and the top menu in sections, which made working with the application easier for both experienced users and those who just recently started learning iPhone software.

Another difference VK App new version, was the emergence of additional photo processing, improved video search and more convenient tools for editing bookmarks. The application supports all the functionality of a social network, it is completely free and available for free download.

Representatives of the social network "VKontakte" are hoping that the new version of the VK App will completely replace the old one in the near future. As for the Vkontakte 2 application, which recently appeared in the App Store, it is the work of a third-party developer and, in the future, can be converted into a client for the iPad tablet.

The article is based on materials https://hi-news.ru/eto-interesno/obnovilos-prilozhenie-vkontakte-dlya-iphone.html.
