Working at a computer is dangerous and difficult.


Those who spend a lot of time sitting at a computer risk acquiring a whole bunch of diseases. Office life and the popularity of computer games even led to the emergence of a new disease - computer arthritis, affecting the joints, not to mention arthritis, affecting the spine during a long sitting in front of the monitor.

Doctors recommend fighting for your health in two ways. The first is physical activity, sports and regular warm-ups during the working day. Even a five-minute break, during which you can get out of your chair and walk around the office or make yourself a cup of tea, will bring great health benefits. The second way is to ensure maximum comfortable working or playing space and the selection of appropriate equipment. Many keyboards come with special supports for the hands, and in mouse design, more and more attention is given to ergonomics. And, of course, we must not forget about computer furniture - the convenience of working at a computer depends on it, not least.

Computer furniture is a table and a chair, the choice of which must be approached with great care. The criteria for choosing a table are obvious - it must be reliable, durable and roomy enough for a place for all the equipment to be found and to use it conveniently. The choice of tables in our days is very wide, you can decide on a model to suit your taste and wallet, in extreme cases - to order the production of the table according to your own drawings and then it will exactly meet all the requirements.

Computer chair is somewhat more difficult to choose. If the computer has to spend no more than 2 hours a day, then you can buy any chair and not worry about anything. But those who sit every day in front of the monitor for 4 hours or more, you need to approach the process of choosing a chair more carefully. The more time you have to sit in it, the more custom it should be. The best computer chair has an adjustable height of the armrests, adjustable backrest, seat depth and height of the chair itself. Due to this, everyone will be able to adjust the chair for themselves, minimizing the harm received from prolonged sitting in one position.

Ergonomic chairs have only one drawback - their price. But saving on a good chair today will lead to high costs for the treatment of diseases of the joints, spine and blood circulation tomorrow. So is it worth risking your own health? After all, the second we do not buy for any money.

The article is based on materials
