Hasbro loses first trial against Asus and its Transformer Prime tablet


Hasbro sued ASUS, accusing it of copyright infringement on the name of the ASUS Transformer Prime tablet. As it turned out, Hasbro lost the first part of the trial.

The judge who passed the verdict did not find a connection between the Transformer Prime tablet and the Hasbro toys and therefore issued an acquittal.

However, the case is not over. Hasbro can still take legal action against ASUS and can still win the process. The decision made only means that Hasbro has no right to demand a ban on sales of the Transformer Prime tablet.

Source: Geeky-Gadgets.com

The article is based on materials https://hi-news.ru/eto-interesno/hasbro-proigrala-pervyj-sud-protiv-asus-i-ee-plansheta-transformer-prime.html.
