Windows Live Messenger blocks links to The Pirate Bay

The Pirate Bay

If you adhere to free speech, then Microsoft’s text messaging platform is clearly not your choice. Recently, the Windows Live Messenger client has started blocking all links leading to The Pirate Bay file sharing service. When a direct link is detected, the program displays the following message: “the link sent is blocked for security reasons”.

The resource The Pirate Bay has become a haven for all those who do not want to buy legal copies of films, television shows, music, e-books and other digital content. As you know, almost all forums and online resources block direct links to The Pirate Bay.

However, the ban on the exchange of links in a private chat - this is too much. To categorize The Pirate Bay as “unsafe” is not entirely correct, since it carries no direct danger to your computer. Given the already low popularity of Windows Live Messenger, it can be assumed that many users will prefer it to another, more loyal client in this regard.


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