A real swarm of small quadcopters


At the University of Pennsylvania Research Center (GRASP), which develops and tests robotic devices, they created a whole “swarm” of nano-quadcopters that can build various formations and even create air figures.

“Roy” was created by the KMel Robotics research team. Quadcopters can line up and fly in various three-dimensional formations and even split into even smaller groups to overcome any obstacles.

The GRASP team was able to create a program that allows you to manage 16 quadcopters at the same time. The result was a kind of robotic organism, capable of, if necessary, divided into smaller groups.

We offer a look at the video below.

Source: Geeky-Gadgets.com

The article is based on materials https://hi-news.ru/eto-interesno/nastoyashhij-roj-iz-malenkix-kvadrokopterov.html.
