New photo of the BlackBerry 10 London smartphone


The first mention of the BlackBerry London smartphone running the BlackBerry 10 operating system was last November, when a prototype of the device was shown in the presented photo. Now the network has got a picture of the device, which we will soon see on the shelves.

The photo was presented by guys from the portal CrackBerry. From the words of the portal BlackBerry London first released in the UK. In addition to BlackBerry London, two more new releases under the control of BlackBerry 10 are to be released, but for the US market this is BlackBerry Laguna and BlackBerry Lisbon , which are likely to become exclusive to the AT & T operator.

At the moment, the final technical specifications of the devices are unknown. It is only known that RIM is currently testing two processors - TI OMAP5 and a Qualcomm chipset with two cores with a frequency of 1.5 GHz.


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