Symantec led a list of Android applications containing Trojan


Symantec , a company that develops applications for systems security, reported that the online store Android Market has several applications that contain malicious code.

Symantec said it found 13 applications from 3 developers that can be classified as “potentially dangerous” for Android devices. Some of these applications have already been removed from the Android Market.

Malicious code defined by Android.Counterclank can significantly increase the security risks of devices, because it collects personal information about the user.

In addition, Symantec led the names of all games and applications that contain this code. Among them: Counter Elite Force, Counter Strike Ground Force, Hit Strike Enemy, Heart Live Wallpaper, Counter Strike Terrorist, Stripper Touch Girl, Balloon Game, Millionaire Deal Be, Wild Man Sexy Girls Puzzle and Sexy Women Puzzle.


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