CTX introduced the compact computer MIseeTX


CTX Technologies introduced a new ultra-compact computer MIseeTX . New offers to use a virtual keyboard and is running an operating system Windows 7.

The system has a 4.3-inch touchscreen LCD display, a webcam, an HDMI input, a microSD / MMC memory card slot, Bluetooth, WiFi, Ethernet modules, a lithium-ion battery, an audio jack, and a microphone. The choice will provide options with SSD drive 16GB or 32GB.

The built-in MIseeTX picoprojector is capable of displaying images on a screen up to 88 inches in size.

At the moment, information about in which markets this miracle of technology will be produced yet. However, the cost of CTX MIseeTX will be $ 600.

Source: Ctxtechnologies.com

The article is based on materials https://hi-news.ru/eto-interesno/ctx-predstavila-kompaktnyj-kompyuter-miseetx.html.
