Korean kids ignore the new law forbidding them to play at night


The problem of overuse of computer games in South Korea is particularly acute. Not without reason, state officials even forced providers not only to remind players of the time spent in the game, but even obliged those to disconnect users from World of Warcraft servers. A month ago, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (MCST), as well as the Ministry of Gender Equality (MGEF) presented the so-called “Shutdown Law”, also known as “Cinderella Law”, which prohibits children under the age of 16 from playing online games between midnight and until 6 am

Of course, the kids resisted the new rules and did not comply with this order. And in order to avoid being caught, they began to use the accounts and accounts of their older relatives and friends, or even play singleplayer games that this law does not apply to.

The company This IS Game even conducted a study among actively playing players and found out that this law doesn’t really bother the children. Player with the nickname Maemi shared his thoughts on the law:

“All my friends, and everyone else also knows this“ Shutdown ”system well. But all of them say that nothing will change, because we can all play from the accounts of our parents or even play games that are not covered by this law (console and mobile). This system is meaningless. Moreover, I heard that the system guarantees our right to sleep, but we do not sleep, not because of the games, but because of the high school load. I really do not understand why this law was passed. ”

Strange situation. If children don't have enough time to sleep, how do they find time to play?


Kim Ying Yang from the Institute of Culture of the Society is also not very confident about the effectiveness of the adopted law. According to him, the state should not only prohibit playing, but to begin with, to find out what is better for children. And then create conditions that will help get rid of gambling addiction and attract people to do something else. An important role in this matter has the proper upbringing of children by parents.

Source: Techpowerup.com

The article is based on materials https://hi-news.ru/eto-interesno/korejskie-detishki-ignoriruyut-novyj-zakon-zapreshhayushhij-igrat-im-nochyu.html.
