RIM will launch two new Playbook tablets in 2012


RIM released its first BlackBerry PlayBook tablet and, to tell the truth, it did not meet the expectations of both customers and the company itself - the latter even dropped the price of the tablet. This could put an end to the “tablet” views of RIM, but recent news suggests otherwise.

By the end of 2012, according to N4BB, RIM plans to introduce at least two new PlayBook tablets. One of them will have a 7-inch screen, and the second - 10-inch. The first on the market will be a 7 inch tablet. His release is supposedly scheduled for April. The tablet will work with 3G.

A 10-inch PlayBook tablet will appear by the end of 2012, possibly in December, and will support LTE.

Source: N4bb.com

The article is based on materials https://hi-news.ru/eto-interesno/rim-vypustit-dva-novyx-plansheta-playbook-v-2012-godu.html.
