Samsung has done a lot to improve the batteries of all smartphones released in 2012


Most smartphones with large screens with high resolution, fast processors and a bunch of extra lotions quickly eat up battery power, which may not be enough even for one day of active use of the device.

Samsung announced that it was going to change this situation in 2012 with its new smartphones, and promised that its new devices will be able to work on a single charge for a whole day.

This statement was made by vice president of development at Samsung Kevin Packham in an interview with the portal Cnet:

“We do not want our customers to constantly think about the battery charge of their smartphones - whether in the morning or in the evening, when people go to bed.”

Samsung is going to solve this problem not only by increasing the battery capacity in the new devices, but also by a serious optimization. Such optimization, for example, requires the operation of Wi-Fi, 4G LTE modules, radio and so on.


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